Every end is a new beginning 🙂

– It is not easy being a Master 🙂

– Be unique; Be yourself: Write your own story…

Keep in touch even after graduation…

-Say my name

+Dr. Hamed!

-You are truly a blessed person.

Lover-on-a-chip is forming 🙂

Be patient!

Not only in the lab but also outside like a breakfast!

Seeding cells to the microfluidic devices and then perfusing with culture media! Very exciting!

Progress meeting, never-ending brainstorm

Mission is completed:  Routine control by molecular biologist and engineers in the cell culture room.

Dr. Ahmet and Yucel in the Tissue Engineering Lab !

Again and again Ceren is busy with 3D-bioprinting by using stem cells !

Flow of water in a microfluidic channel made hydrophilic with surface modification !

Video showing upper and lower chamber of the microbioreactor representing cultivating two cell monolayers simultaneously 

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